You know you've been indulging a little too much lately. Quite a lot actually…It was nice while it lasted, but now you're not feeling too good. You have spots, your skin is greasier, you feel heavier, you have heartburn, a tummy ache, a headache …Stop. Your liver is overloaded and is in desperate need of a little detox. When you detoxify your system, your whole body reaps the benefits: you have better digestion, are lighter on your feet, have clearer skin, stronger hair and better sleep… And lemons are the absolute champion of detoxing! They help improve the slow and overworked liver function responsible for the appearance of spots, combat nausea and gastric reflux, protect against infection and destroy bacteria. Containing an explosion of antioxidants, lemons also help to fight against skin ageing by battling free radicals and the vitamin C in them is essential for healthy and glowing skin.